Monday, October 12, 2009

Here We Go!

Like I need another blog.  This one is just a personal log for my weight loss endeavor.  I need a place to track thoughts, feelings, pounds, exercise, etc.  And I can change it as much as I want!  Okay, today I weighed in at 159!  Woo and Hoo!  When I started all this back in August I weighed in at 169 (although I have gone as high as 170.)  So I’m officially 10 pounds lighter.  I can tell ever so slightly that I’m like a tad bit thinner but I wish it were more noticeable.  This is taking like FOREVER but it is happening, I am going down.  Yesterday I exercised for the first time since I had the little episode of “heart thingys” on Wednesday evening.  I took it easy and did my all time favorite Good Housekeeping tape.  I can tell I’m “pre” that time of the month…grouchy as all get out, tired and HUNGRY.  And bored, why do I get bored with things at this time?  Okay now I am just rambling.  End post.  Hit publish.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss! Glad to hear your feeling better.


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