Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thursday 29 Oct

Today I did the Denise Austin Personal Training System, high intensity level.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tuesday Oct 27

Well, today I did the new Kathy Smith dvd I ordered off Amazon.  It’s a workout, keeps you moving, but I’m not impressed.  It’s not a smooth moving one, she goes back and forth, stops and starts and does very strange moves.  I don’t like all the twisting and turning and odd lunges and lifting weights at odd angles and curves.  Not only is it uncomfortable but it goes against all the rules I’ve ever heard.  So that’s too bad, I was looking forward to a new weight lifting routine.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Oct 26

Today I did a 2 mile Leslie Sansone walk.  Weird day, ds2 was off from public school (teacher planning day what a joke) and dh worked 15 hours straight Sunday and took today off.  He took us out to lunch at McDonald’s and then for a little window shopping to get out of the house.  It is such a dreary, grey, cloudy day.  Supposed to rain all day tomorrow.  Anyway, at McDonalds I resisted the burger/fry thing and had a grilled chicken wrap (supposed to be 270 calories) and a parfait (supposed to be 160.)  So if they truly are that lo cal I think I did okay.  I was still a little hungry when I was through but I never really had the urge to eat the fries everyone else had.  Pretty good!  My new Kathy Smith interval workout dvd came in the mail today so I’ll give it a try tomorrow.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday October 25

Did the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt on Thursday and didn’t exercise on Friday or Saturday.  Today I did The Firm Cardio Sculpt.  Weighed in at 157 this morning…still not budging from there.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 21 Wednesday

Did Denise Austin Power Zone.  I like this one, it’s quick and relatively easy.  She uses a band, I don’t.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20 Tuesday

Did the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt dvd.

51eOyquvzvL__SL160_AA115_ Even though I really don’t like Jillian at all, I don’t mind this workout.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19

Monday.  Did a Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk, but only went 2 miles.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Bumps In The Road

Just haven’t felt like exercising lately as evidenced by the lack of posts here.  Some of it has been fatigue and busy schedule, some of it I will attribute to laziness.  How come only a few days off of exercise sap so much of my hard earned endurance and fitness?  I worked out today and was just wiped out.  I may have to keep a food journal again for a few days and see if I’m missing out on something nutritionally.

51KC6QHSF8L__SL500_AA240_ This is what I slogged through today, one of my faves.  It combines aerobics and weight lifting but in a very smooth format…you get through a long workout without it feeling broken up.  And you hit every muscle with this one, legs and arms, back and abs.  I really like the instructor too, she never misses a cue and the music is good.  It’s a toughie, though.  Been really hungry, hard to resist snacking or going back for seconds (especially on dh’s gumbo…yum!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just How Does She Do It?

Well, I’ve only lost 12 pounds so far, but I thought I’d share just how I am going about this weight loss journey.  Basically I am counting calories and controlling portions.  In the beginning (back in August) I signed up to a calorie tracking site and logged in every bite I took.  After a while I got good at knowing just what I should have at each meal and for snacks, so I haven’t actually tracked my calories lately (and I’m still losing!)  I do not eat anything special.  I eat what I serve my family.  I can’t afford to buy and prepare food for only me.  Here’s a typical day.

Breakfast  Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal (1 cup) and 1/2 cup milk

Snack  a banana sliced into a bowl and topped with Yoplait yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon

Lunch  a sandwich made with Arnold Thin Bread (100 calories and delish), 1 tbs peanut butter and 1 tsp jelly, a piece of fruit (apple, pineapple, grapes, whatever is on hand.)

Snack  a low cal granola bar or Snickers nutrition bar (150 calories) this really holds me over till dinner and gets me through my afternoon workout

Dinner  Bbq chicken leg prepared in crockpot, 3/4 cup mac&cheese, and as many steamed veggies as I desire.  I love those new frozen veggies that come in their own bag to steam in the microwave…quick, easy and so good for you!  My family prefers them as well.

Snack  my faves are a Yoplait Delights Caramel Creme (100 calories) or some microwave popcorn

That’s a typical day.  If we order pizza I have 2 slices of cheese.  If we eat out or at someone else’s house I just watch my portions and don’t order anything fried.  Oh, and I mostly drink water but do have about 1 glass of sweet tea a day (sweet baby, with real sugar and all lol.)

As you can see from my previous posts, I do exercise.  I always have.  But I didn’t start losing weight until I lowered my calorie intake.  So I am not an exercise fiend or nut by any means, I just do it when I feel like it and don’t push myself.  I average about 5 days a week.  So far, so good!  I know the holidays will be hard, but I think I’ll make it through.

One More Down

Weighed in at 157 this morning!  I couldn’t believe it, but I am quite happy. 

5105GGTSXJL__SL500_AA240_ I did this workout today.  I had it set to do both the aerobic and toning segments, but barely made it through the aerobic section and decided to do the toning tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Strange Day

Did not exercise today, felt tired and had more “heart thingys” like last week.  Did weigh in this morning and it was down 1 more pound to 158!  Haven’t heard back from the dr. about the halter monitor test results, need to remember to call.  Was supposed to go “big” grocery shopping but didn’t want to push it with the heart so I just got what we needed.  Slightly proud of myself that I had the problems but kept control and didn’t have panic attack.  Hopefully will feel more like myself tomorrow and get back to exercising.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Day At The Dentist…

is never a good day.  ;)  I haven’t had a cavity in YEARS and I admit I had forgotten just what an awful procedure it is to have one filled.  Although technically this wasn’t a new cavity, just replacing an old one.  Still, no fun.  The boys and I were in that office for almost 2 hours!  Anywho…

walk_strong 519KC80TGPL__SL160_AA115_

I did a Leslie Sansone yesterday, the one where she walks and lifts weights.  Still tired, but persisting with this stuff.  Today I did Denise Austin’s indoor walk, both the “easy” and “fat blasting” segments.  Dh came in and started yacking in the middle of it all so some of it I kinda coasted through.  But it still counts lol.  Tonight is Biggest Loser night!  Yea!  I like the show, I like seeing the people lose weight and the challenges they face.  I don’t much like the trainers or the diet they make these people follow.  Anything where you ban fruit is ridiculous to me.  Stay away from bananas and mangoes?  Gimme a break!  I’ve been eating both and losing just fine.   Still looking forward to watching the show.  :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Here We Go!

Like I need another blog.  This one is just a personal log for my weight loss endeavor.  I need a place to track thoughts, feelings, pounds, exercise, etc.  And I can change it as much as I want!  Okay, today I weighed in at 159!  Woo and Hoo!  When I started all this back in August I weighed in at 169 (although I have gone as high as 170.)  So I’m officially 10 pounds lighter.  I can tell ever so slightly that I’m like a tad bit thinner but I wish it were more noticeable.  This is taking like FOREVER but it is happening, I am going down.  Yesterday I exercised for the first time since I had the little episode of “heart thingys” on Wednesday evening.  I took it easy and did my all time favorite Good Housekeeping tape.  I can tell I’m “pre” that time of the month…grouchy as all get out, tired and HUNGRY.  And bored, why do I get bored with things at this time?  Okay now I am just rambling.  End post.  Hit publish.

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